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    The aired version also had Raj talking all the way through the credits, though CBS added promotional text on the screen to advertise a "special Big Bang Theory" coming up next and used Raj's continued talking to promote it— "what Raj is trying to say is, stay tuned for a special Big Bang Theory coming up next."  Of

    That's what she said!

    Another Oscar-nomination-worthy moment for Charlie McDermott

    Exactly.  It's still a decent show and deserves some respect.

    I love a good kerfuffle.

    Apparently Anthony has some big junk, or so says his brother…

    I don't get the "not trying anymore" vibe the reviewer got from this episode.  Aside from the photo-op fake-out, everything else about the D.C. leg was very well done.  The spy roadblock was creative, entertaining, and required considerable coordination on the producers' part.  The Nationals baseball task was

    I'm rooting for the Hockey Bros, but that might have something to do with how good they looked in that one episode where they had their shirts off…

    Clearly hot-new-guy in the creative writing class exists on this show for some slowly building plot.  Any ideas?  The obvious would be as a competing love interest for Jenna, but I hope we don't get another love triangle story.

    I'm a teacher, and not a day goes by that I wouldn't love to do that to one of my students…

    I think this episode probably does serve to set up those two characters of Matty's parents… Matty's family has been briefly explored before in the form of his brother, but I think the show is purposefully looking to explore Jenna's parents more this season and has chosen to do that by using Matty's parents as dramatic

    I actually thought this episode was pretty good.  I laughed harder than I usually do, and I found the A-plot rather endearing.

    Does anyone really need another reason why The Middle is better than Modern Family?

    How big are Sue's dolls?  If her doll clothes fit a bunny and a kitten, they must be some large, off-brand dolls … which is very fitting for this show.

    Sounds like a great idea for a companion webseries.

    Censoring a middle finger every time a hand is shown sounds like something the Parent's Television Council would come up with…

    Ricky Doesn't Live!

    Jenna Lives!

    I see it fairly often, Brainlock, I live in St. Louis.  The Missouri is wider than the Mississippi, but still not a mile wide.  I think the only reason to get freaked out crossing the bridges is because of how narrow they have made the lanes on them…

    The Mississippi is nowhere near a mile wide, just FYI.