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    Agreed about the commercials, but you should watch this show.

    I like that Noah's story is also deepening Travis's character.  Their argument and fight were well done, given that they are two secondary characters on the show.

    Noah's story is a very good one for the show to pursue right now, and his relationship with Bay has tremendous narrative (and character) potential. I hope it's not just a means to an end for Emmett and Bay to get back together.

    Toby: “So you and Zara never….”
    Yet another reason why I love you, Toby.

    I agree on how they treated it as no big deal and didn't immediately make a plot-point of it.  I hate it when TV shows introduce issues of sexuality only for the sake of "diversity" or for a timely plot-point.

    Melody's lessons continue to be highlights of the show this season.  I hope we get to see more of them.

    Lightyears better than ABC Family's Tuesday night block…

    That's because most other TV shows don't do a good job of writing unique, genuine, relatable human characters—something Switched at Birth does so well.

    Not true. There have been numerous instances of confessionals involving interaction with those behind the camera (though we don't hear them speak until this season premiere) and similar mic gags when Michael and Dwight had to go to the emergency room and when Pam finds out she's pregnant.

    Not true. There have been numerous instances of confessionals involving interaction with those behind the camera (though we don't hear them speak until this season premiere) and similar mic gags when Michael and Dwight had to go to the emergency room and when Pam finds out she's pregnant.

    I agree - a nice Emmett storyline would be good.  But, I'm not really interested in revisiting the two main Emmett storylines we've seen so far: his parent drama and Simone sex.  If they can come up with something else that seems natural for his character, I would love to watch it.

    Does anyone else think that Emmett still has a thing for Daphne?  That's all I could think about during his "you only date hearing people" speech.

    Opinions, please:  Is Toby making the right decision in not going to college?  Realistically, he is in a band with a younger high school student and a girl that he may not still be with by the time graduation comes.  How sustainable is that?

    It was refreshing to see an episode devoid of any Angelo stuff, not that Angelo is unlikable, it's just that they only seem to use his character to cause conflict and it was a nice change of pace this week.

    Hooray for a reasonable storyline for Toby following the baby-mama-drama he inserted himself into.

    Welcome to the party!

    Or Amy move on to Raj…
    Or Raj move on to Stuart…

    Is this the first Kripke episode without a blatant joke about his speech impediment?  He was actually tolerable in this episode.

    But I think we'll get that moment when Sheldon talks with Amy about physical intimacy later.  Honestly, I think this was the right way to go — Sheldon would likely feel more comfortable talking about it with his close friends than with the one person he might actually want to be intimate with.

    Oh, I think we'll still get that.  This show never hesitates to explore EVERY possible relationship.