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    This is everything on ABCFamily — they can make their 8 dozenth Harry Potter marathon seem like the first one ever.

    I would, though, like to see an alternate universe episode in which they had never been switched…

    You go live with her.  You go live with them.  And we'll never talk to our old families again.  Problem solved.

    I don't have any numbers (and don't care to take the time to look them up now), but it's always been my impression that Switched at Birth does pretty well by ABCFamily's standards.  Thus its incredibly long first season.

    Can we please give Toby something sensible and logical to do?  Any ideas, fellow commenters?

    There was a second mention of race in this episode too — when Regina is surprised to find out that Kathryn dated a black man before she dated John.

    But we got some overly emotional moments:
    -Bay's conversation with Angelo
    -Daphne's kiss with Travis

    No mention of Regina's new love interest?  Kind of an odd moment to end the episode on, but I guess it underscores her displeasure with Angelo.

    I agree with your second point — Bay usually is the one always wanting to know about her "lost" life, but I can see how her emotions are clouding her decisions

    I'm continually impressed with this show's crop of great deaf actors/actresses — the actor who plays Travis is portraying a very unique, yet somehow relatable character.  Plus, he looks good in a towel…

    What was great about the "charade" business was the way in which it brought together and involved nearly every plotline of this season so far — John's campaign, Travis, baby momma drama, and Regina's relationship issues.  An entertaining sequence, for sure.

    Everybody and everything on White Collar is trendy.  That's USA.

    So, does tall hobbit = short man? Or is tall hobbit < short man?

    You're safe.

    White Collar can change direction very quickly, and then it can just as quickly return to the status quo, as it always does.

    Can we see a Mythbusters on whether or not Matt Bomer actually has such delicious abs?

    Totally realistic.

    I think it's because they have established and developed such solid characters, coupled them with great acting, and allow the stories to originate in those characters rather than seeming to be forced upon them.

    That also bothered me.