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    The best part of the Wrestlerette's routine, and perhaps the best part of the episode:  Brad's sudden appearance.

    She pretty much sells everything that's thrown at her.  Pay attention Emmy voters!

    My Christmas tree is still up… no wonder I can identify with this show.

    The return of Frank's mini-Natesville!

    This is an example of a Toby storyline that easily could have been given to someone other than Toby.  You know you get the shaft in storylines when the storyline contains nothing that necessitates your character … except one joke about him being the father of the baby.

    Part of me really doesn't want Bay back together with Emmett, actually, though I can't explain why.  I almost think that Emmett deserves better.

    What does a guy have to do to get more people to comment on here?!?!? I'm trying so hard every week…  Please don't take away these reviews!

    I feel like Switched at Birth has done a great job of deploying the sassy grandmother when it's needed.

    Does anyone beyond the west coast actually have an outdoor cafeteria at their school? That is the one thing that bothers me about Carlton.  No school in Kansas City would have an outdoor cafeteria, given the wide variations in weather.  Also, shouldn't it be winter by now on the show?

    That team activity at the retreat required two people of the team to look at the stick sculpture under the tarp, communicate what it was to the two runners, who then ran and communicated what it was to the last two people who had to reproduce it.

    So what happened to Teo from the last two episodes?  Are they replacing him with Noah from now on?

    What this show needs more of is Colin O'Donoghue's chest hair.  How could they not use the hospital scene as a blatant excuse to get his shirt off??

    There must be some meaning behind that name.  Maybe he's a geneticist who is going to determine that Henry is not actually Emma's son… he's Regina's!  dun. dun. dun…..

    At least the black-and-white horror world masks the obtrusively bad CGI.  Without color, it's harder to see how bad it is.

    It's really pulling out all the stops, but the reviewer can't seem to notice or care.


    It's nice to see a chastity storyline actually treated seriously and respectfully on TV.

    Toby needs to lose the beads in his doorway.  They just don't fit with his character.

    I think you could comfortably jump into Switched at Birth right now, once you know the basic premise (which you could get from Wikipedia), whereas if you wanted to hop in on Bunheads, you should probably start from the beginning (which was only 11 episodes ago).

    I really appreciated the honest presentation of class conflict between Daphne and John.