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    How … morals … book.

    Toby got a storyline!

    I think we now have to think of it as two scientists who each broke the universe in order to save their sons … Walter did it first, after all.

    I was wondering the same thing.

    Maybe he thought it might help Walter and company to find him (if he was holding out hope that they were alive).

    SPOILER ALERT…  Who saw the preview for the finale?!?!?!?!  Did you see what/who I saw?

    For someone who has spent most of this season complaining that Sheldon has become a villain, I thought the reviewer would have liked an episode in which Sheldon was NOT the villain — the villain was the wider society who don't understand, appreciate, or respect the culture of the four main characters.  That's who

    Thank you.

    What else do you get a retired major league baseball player who owns a chain of car washes and lives in a gigantic house?

    The most unexpected part of the episode — Frankie and Mike actually had paid their entire insurance bill.


    Yeah, it would have been much worse if the characters were forced to say "Dodge" a dozen times.

    I'm sure we will.  They show up from time to time.

    I loved that moment.

    I disagree.  But maybe it's just because of all the people on this show, I most identify with Drew (minus the pregnancy plot, of course).

    I can't believe that Christopher Lloyd did not get mentioned until the last line of this review.

    A beautiful two hours of television — beats the horrible ABC Family Tuesdays by miles.

    It sadly is legal, I think.  A friend of mine knew a guy who was kicked out of his home after he turned 18 (but was still in high school) because he came out as gay.

    Toby is really good at fulfilling that role in the ensemble family drama, but, yes, it would be awesome to see him get his own storyline beyond poker playing and the occasional band gig.

    The deaf community rarely gets exposure elsewhere on the TV dial, so I am thrilled Switched at Birth seems to be returning to exploring the diversity of that community.