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    Agreed.  It's nice to see John get his own chance to carry a storyline.

    Teen pregnancy is exactly what this show does NOT need.

    I'm not sure how it happened, but Travis has really become a solid character.

    I really want to see them give Toby his own storyline again.  I think he's finally earned one that is better written than the whole poker plot.

    It's camera guy from Teen Wolf!  They were clearly laying the groundwork for a future storyline involving him — I'm guessing he'll be a love interest for Bay once she transfers to Carlton (and thus an enemy of Emmett) … or maybe a love interest for Daphne (and thus an enemy of Emmett).  Either way, Emmett is bound to

    That scene between Melody and Daphne was truly fantastic.  And it proved that Marlee Matlin is a great actress.

    The evolution of characters (or lack there of) is ultimately this show's strength and weakness.  Those characters allowed to evolve in a positive way — Howard and Amy especially — are interesting to watch; those characters forced to devolve — Sheldon, and in some ways, Leonard in terms of his relationship with Penny —

    One of the overall funniest episodes in recent memory.  I usually don't like cringe humor because it seems like such an easy way out, but somehow it seemed to work here since it served to solidify the villainy of Sheldon's character — a socially inept misogynist narcissist whose misogyny and narcissism stem from a

    I'm just crossing my fingers that the Drew storyline takes easy way out #3: Drew is not the father, it's that douche Amy was sleeping with at the beginning of the season.

    I'm with you — all signs point to a final two.  In 25 seasons, they have always had two regular tribal councils plus the final tribal council during the two hour finale.  Unless they are fluffing up the finale with a ton of filler (long nature sequences, fallen comrades montage, monologues by all jury members, etc.) I

    I'm with you — all signs point to a final two.  In 25 seasons, they have always had two regular tribal councils plus the final tribal council during the two hour finale.  Unless they are fluffing up the finale with a ton of filler (long nature sequences, fallen comrades montage, monologues by all jury members, etc.) I

    This week on "Damn, I can't look at this show's scenery and not think of Lost" — was that Church the same as Eko's African church?  It looked familiar from both the outside and the inside.

    This week on "Damn, I can't look at this show's scenery and not think of Lost" — was that Church the same as Eko's African church?  It looked familiar from both the outside and the inside.

    Once again, the show had the opportunity to move Sheldon in the direction of growth, but they just stuck him further into the ground with the ending to the argument.  If they really are trying to make him into a villain, they are doing a good job.

    Once again, the show had the opportunity to move Sheldon in the direction of growth, but they just stuck him further into the ground with the ending to the argument.  If they really are trying to make him into a villain, they are doing a good job.

    I did like Leonard's deployment of Sheldon to settle his argument with Raj.  I enjoyed the idea that Leonard uses Sheldon as his puppy, trained to do tricks for him.

    I did like Leonard's deployment of Sheldon to settle his argument with Raj.  I enjoyed the idea that Leonard uses Sheldon as his puppy, trained to do tricks for him.

    The other side of the high school — where Minkus and Mr. Turner still thrive.

    The other side of the high school — where Minkus and Mr. Turner still thrive.

    I loved Probst's blatant attempt at getting Lisa to reveal her secret.