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    The continual use of the tire swing throughout the episode kept making me laugh, and it made me want a tire swing in my living room too.

    I love the show's deployment of Weird Ashley, but I feel like they need to do something more or something new with Brad.

    I love the show's deployment of Weird Ashley, but I feel like they need to do something more or something new with Brad.

    I kind of agree — it would have almost worked better as a Valentine's Day episode (which this show also does very well), miss the dinner of course.

    I kind of agree — it would have almost worked better as a Valentine's Day episode (which this show also does very well), miss the dinner of course.

    I am sticking with my one rule for this season — every episode gets an A simply by existing.

    I am sticking with my one rule for this season — every episode gets an A simply by existing.

    … cheese grater…

    … cheese grater…

    The game is afoot!

    The game is afoot!

    So my money's on them using some kind of dreamcatcher on Aurora's and Henry's dreams, since they made such an obvious point to talk about a dreamcatcher in this episode.

    So my money's on them using some kind of dreamcatcher on Aurora's and Henry's dreams, since they made such an obvious point to talk about a dreamcatcher in this episode.

    Does anyone know — was the merge beach the same as the old Matsing beach or did the producers actually find and prepare a fourth beach for this season?  I'm not sure if that was mentioned, or if I missed it among some trick-or-treaters.

    Does anyone know — was the merge beach the same as the old Matsing beach or did the producers actually find and prepare a fourth beach for this season?  I'm not sure if that was mentioned, or if I missed it among some trick-or-treaters.

    I, for one, actually like these kind of endurance challenges.  At the very least, it shows willpower more than any other type of challenge.  Plus, the challenge producers always make them seem so torturous, and I love watching smug players undergo such torture.

    I, for one, actually like these kind of endurance challenges.  At the very least, it shows willpower more than any other type of challenge.  Plus, the challenge producers always make them seem so torturous, and I love watching smug players undergo such torture.

    You mean Charming.

    You mean Charming.

    Though it will never happen because of copyright and other legal issues, I would willingly beg any of the producers for one of the "worlds" to be Middle Earth.