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    Can we at least appreciate that this show has consistently gotten James Wolk's shirt off in EVERY episode so far?

    So did Camera Guy all of a sudden become relevant?  When did that happen?

    So did Camera Guy all of a sudden become relevant?  When did that happen?

    Shirtless tally: 0.  Two weeks in a row.
    Tyler Hoechlin in a wife beater tally: 1.

    Shirtless tally: 0.  Two weeks in a row.
    Tyler Hoechlin in a wife beater tally: 1.

    I loved the cold open this week, with Peter creeping out Lydia in awesome fashion, and I'm surprised it got no mention in the review.  Actually, nothing about Peter coming back to life even got mentioned in the review.

    I loved the cold open this week, with Peter creeping out Lydia in awesome fashion, and I'm surprised it got no mention in the review.  Actually, nothing about Peter coming back to life even got mentioned in the review.

    Phil, how dare you associate "essential uselessness" with Stiles??  He is the essential piece of balance on this show — the one teenager who not only isn't some supernatural creature, but honestly doesn't want to be one.  Without him, the show would lose so much of its grounding, especially it's emotional grounding,

    Phil, how dare you associate "essential uselessness" with Stiles??  He is the essential piece of balance on this show — the one teenager who not only isn't some supernatural creature, but honestly doesn't want to be one.  Without him, the show would lose so much of its grounding, especially it's emotional grounding,

    They have a huge advantage over Burt and Kurt in that Teen Wolf's writing isn't nearly as heavy-handed as Glee's.

    They have a huge advantage over Burt and Kurt in that Teen Wolf's writing isn't nearly as heavy-handed as Glee's.

    And he's well acted!

    And he's well acted!

    I'm not so sure they are two separate characters, since her boobs are the only part of her character that has been explored so far or been given anything to do.

    I'm not so sure they are two separate characters, since her boobs are the only part of her character that has been explored so far or been given anything to do.

    Part of me hopes that Stiles's dad's loss of his job will lead to Stiles telling him everything, which  could really change up the dynamics of the show — an adult character fighting on the side of the "good" in direct juxtaposition to Papa Argent, Mama Argent, and Gramps — but part of me is perfectly content with the

    Part of me hopes that Stiles's dad's loss of his job will lead to Stiles telling him everything, which  could really change up the dynamics of the show — an adult character fighting on the side of the "good" in direct juxtaposition to Papa Argent, Mama Argent, and Gramps — but part of me is perfectly content with the

    As Phil so widely ignored, the show did a great job of incorporating nearly all of its adult characters (Scott's Mom being the only one excluded) into a storyline that was centered around the teenagers.  I was especially captivated by nearly every scene between Stiles and his dad, which has become one of the most

    As Phil so widely ignored, the show did a great job of incorporating nearly all of its adult characters (Scott's Mom being the only one excluded) into a storyline that was centered around the teenagers.  I was especially captivated by nearly every scene between Stiles and his dad, which has become one of the most

    Shirtless tally for this episode: 0