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    So why can't photographer guy (what's his name, dammit?!) see Scott in his photos?  Clearly that's a clue to a future plot, but right now it just seemed to be thrown in to give photographer guy something to do.

    Danny has a crush on photographer guy!

    Danny has a crush on photographer guy!

    If only shows created fake porn videos like they create fake websites…

    If only shows created fake porn videos like they create fake websites…



    I might be crazy, but I think there was a shot of Erica leaving the school with Derek and Stiles near the end of the episode.  I'm pretty positive she's not dead, but I wouldn't really care if she was.

    I might be crazy, but I think there was a shot of Erica leaving the school with Derek and Stiles near the end of the episode.  I'm pretty positive she's not dead, but I wouldn't really care if she was.

    Grandpa Argent stabbing Scott in the stomach was a pretty fantastic moment.  I'm so glad they added that character this season.

    Grandpa Argent stabbing Scott in the stomach was a pretty fantastic moment.  I'm so glad they added that character this season.

    Two episodes in a row without any main actor shirtless.  I don't like this pattern.

    Two episodes in a row without any main actor shirtless.  I don't like this pattern.

    Connor Jessup is the best of the child/teen actors on this show.  He sells his cheesy lines way better than Drew Roy ever has.

    Connor Jessup is the best of the child/teen actors on this show.  He sells his cheesy lines way better than Drew Roy ever has.

    You know, you could just give it an F.

    You know, you could just give it an F.

    I think I know why this episode didn't seem as good as the last one … a severe deficit in the shirtless males department.  They definitely did not meet their quota this week.

    I think I know why this episode didn't seem as good as the last one … a severe deficit in the shirtless males department.  They definitely did not meet their quota this week.