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    I wish my high school had a rockclimbing wall.

    I wish my high school had a rockclimbing wall.

    The count of teens turned into werewolves has skyrocketed in these last few episodes.  They better start killing some of them off (I'm guessing that's what they're preparing for), and they better do it in some awesomely cool ways.

    The count of teens turned into werewolves has skyrocketed in these last few episodes.  They better start killing some of them off (I'm guessing that's what they're preparing for), and they better do it in some awesomely cool ways.

    So, what's up with Jackson?  My money's on some other creature, rather than a werewolf.

    So, what's up with Jackson?  My money's on some other creature, rather than a werewolf.

    I know!  They had the perfect opportunity to show Stiles shirtless, and they blatantly covered it up.  How dare they toy with me!

    I know!  They had the perfect opportunity to show Stiles shirtless, and they blatantly covered it up.  How dare they toy with me!

    I think you mean Ralph Fiennes, his older brother, Voldemort.

    I think you mean Ralph Fiennes, his older brother, Voldemort.

    The pilot sets up much of the character relationships for the whole series, so I wouldn't recommend skipping it, but you can probably get by without a couple of episodes after that.  As a big Gilmore Girls fan, I enjoy all of the episodes and would say watch them all, but I understand some people don't have the free

    The pilot sets up much of the character relationships for the whole series, so I wouldn't recommend skipping it, but you can probably get by without a couple of episodes after that.  As a big Gilmore Girls fan, I enjoy all of the episodes and would say watch them all, but I understand some people don't have the free

    How long before Sean Gunn shows up as some sort of delivery man/cable installer/store clerk?

    How long before Sean Gunn shows up as some sort of delivery man/cable installer/store clerk?

    We did it!

    We did it!

    Can we make it 8?  I'll gladly take that job.

    Can we make it 8?  I'll gladly take that job.

    But the show did it with surprisingly self-aware tongue-in-cheek humor.  There's even a later season episode where Cory makes an off-hand comment about how Mr. Feeny taught him in Kindergarten too.