
I think this dynamic exists as much as it can in the limited time. Richie is Patrick's friend outside of work and his central friend group. The trip they took to Richie's hometown went a long way toward solidifying the bond they have outside of the other characters.

I wish Kevin and Patrick's scenes together depicted something other than what we were given. The writers are usually so economical and careful with how they spend their precious allotted minutes. I feel like I learned more about Agustin and Eddie and what their connection is about in way fewer scenes. The bus back to

I just watched All About Eve for the first time a few weeks ago. It's one of those films that feels even more relevant today than when it was made. Aging actresses, the public always looking for the next It Girl, competition between women, looks vs. talent, all that and more.

Agreed. This season is about Patrick looking for Patrick. His relationships are a means for him to learn more about himself, but ultimately he will have to make that leap of growth on his own.

Yep, that's what he said.
I just didn't believe him, LOL.
It's very Richie to think he can stop short of falling in love. Wouldn't that make life so much easier? I'm sure Kevin wishes he knew where that emotional fault line was located…

Thank you for this lovely post, it was so enjoyable to read.
I enjoy ambiguity so I liked not knowing exactly what the smiles exchanged between Patrick and Richie really meant. I did notice that this is the first time that Patrick did something awful (and it was Patrick at his worst) and Richie didn't do what he

"the Passion of Kevin and Patrick"

This is so interesting.
I feel like I need to go back to season 1 with this perspective.
Especially since Richie thought Patrick was a doctor, LOL.


I think this is true, especially since he never took his ass anyplace else and just "allowed" Jon to visit his office last week.

This comment is just plain funny, I'm laughing at the spreadsheet I'm pretending to be looking at.

I love Dom. I really thought he was going to be this aggressive "Samantha" character, but there is something about him that is soft and gentle in this unexpected way.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I have a hard time watching these episodes because I keep thinking, what if this is it? What if I won't see these people again?

I understand what you're saying, but I think the aspirational/accomplished part is more than just doctor vs. video game designer. Jon just comes off more like an established adult whether he really is or not. Maybe Patrick doesn't need to live with Agustin for financial reasons, but he does. He is also emotionally

I could totally see this happening.

I do feel like Richie has a type and I find it to be one of the most interesting things about his character.

I can't stop re-watching this episode.
There are times when I think The Sopranos was more of a comedy than Looking is, but I found this episode to be one of the funnier ones so far.

"I also don't think that Richie's suggestion that Patrick smoke some pot before he goes to deal with his family is at all acceptable. Not that there's anything wrong with drugs, I'd totally get high before dealing with my family, but that's not Patrick. It's another instance of Richie trying to force his own ideology

Yeah and it's not like we could tell from the tone that he was talking to Jon. It sounded so bland and defeated, it sounded like he was about to order boxes of paper or report a stolen credit card.

No, but I'll look for that on my second viewing, thanks!