
I think Patrick and Richie would be outsiders at each other's family tables, but they are also outsiders at their own.

I think you're right. But I also think Patrick is going to sleep with Kevin again.

I think most of Patrick's egg-shells are in his own head. Kevin was not going to be looking at dust-bunnies in the corner or cum stains on Patrick's sheets during their sleepover. There was no need to quiz Richie on all of his friend's names before Dom's party, most people can handle being introduced to a small group

I think you're right about the grey area, but I like that the show doesn't firm up their status for us. Was Patrick cheating on Richie? I don't think it's clear and I'm OK with that. As a character, I find Richie to be good at explaining big picture, almost philosophical ideas. But when it comes to getting in the

Forgot to agree with you that Richie is inflexible and judgmental.
And he bails when things don't go his way.
And he thinks he's always right. Notice how much his dialogue includes the words "I told you."
And I would marry him.

What people define is "perfect" is subjective. What makes the perfect wife/husband or the perfect job? It depends. I agree that none of the characters are perfect; Doris is abrasive, Dom is stubborn, Lynn is passive-aggressive, Eddie hides behind humor, Agustin isn't sure who he is supposed to be, Kevin is

See, I'm glad you said this because I don't really buy Patrick's sex positive declaration. I've dated someone a lot like Kevin and that kind of person rarely comprehends the word "no." He's used to getting what he wants and Patrick is also competing with whatever John is doing sexually whether he's conscious of it or

What I feel like the two comments have in common ("slumming it" and "homewrecker") is that Agustin and Richie both seem to be saying to Patrick, hey, what you're doing at the moment doesn't match the person you told me you were. Patrick is the one who introduced Richie as a potential "Mexican fuck buddy," not a

Uhh, maybe so in the looks department (depending on what your tastes are).
But Quinn seems quintessentially unfun as a girlfriend. Crying, tortured, moody and cold. The guy is already homeless and a quasi-father to his siblings, who wants to deal with bitchy texts in between Prom Queen obsessions?