
I wondered the same about their initial meeting.

My god, Patrick's face when Kevin pulled Richie out of his back pocket, YIKES.

I love that Kevin's toothbrush was electric. I need alpha male dick power on my teeth, goddammit.

The fact that Patrick notices the "whiteness" of the pre-orgy cocktail hour was a good character beat that I feel Patrick legitimately earned.

Patrick and Kevin want different things, but I feel like more is going on here.

I agree. I don't mean to insult the actors at all, and I have a lot of respect for Jonathan Groff's talent. But there are certain things you just can't manufacture and the camera doesn't lie. Groff has not been at all shy about his real-life crush on Raul Castillo and anyone who has seen the DVD commentary of season 1

Yes. You're right, this is what humans do.

No problem with your feelings about the characters, that's cool.

I know I'm crazy for bringing up the polarizing Girls, but the Kevin disconnect reminds me of Jessa. In a recent "Inside the Episode," Lena Dunham said that it was unclear if Jessa just doesn't know how her words/actions affect other people or if it's a sick game of hers. I was stunned because I thought it was clearly

I'm pretty sure this is where we are headed. The emotion of the moment hides a million potential problems with this idea. Aunt Sarah didn't actually give her the money yet so far as we can tell, so that could be a problem. It may not be as much as promised, etc.

kitty leukemia should be in every episode.

I can't!
I'm feeling so irrational and emotionally attached to this show right now that my first thought when I heard about this article was, fuck, this show doesn't need any more bad press.
But I'm interested in hearing other people's thoughts.

I support this.

Ok, but I do kind of want to see a picture of Patrick wearing his sister's jeans…

Yeah, that's probably true, it was a way to regain some control.
But I have to confess, I miss the carried away Richie, falling hard for ridiculous, nutty Patrick. It's part of what makes him like the rest of us.
There's no one like Richie on television, and a character like him is long overdue.

"Solid, solid episode…up until the end. I was spewing curses at my TV like it had personally disrespected me."

I don't think the characters will ever be together in a romantic relationship, but I think the vibes are there and that the chemistry is intentional. Dom dotes on Patrick in a way that is both curiously erotic and completely familiar if you've ever been around two people that have this between them. Patrick wanted to

I hear you and I agree with a lot of what you had to say here.
And I think all of this supports why Doris wanted Patrick there. Doris uses humor and distraction to cope with her pain much the way Eddie does. It works for her. Dom doesn't operate this way. He confronts things and is self-aware for the most part. He

I liked that about this episode too. I also like the way Doris wears her hair. It's not styled, not perfectly cut and dyed. She looks like a nurse to me, I don't have time for this, gotta get to work kind of person.

Yes, Patrick quotes Walt Whitman in the premiere for season 2, so I connected Patrick's sobbing to the reciting of Whitman as well.