
So…are getting a name for the agency?

“believe that recording our music in a place we created especially for that purpose, by ourselves, will result in better, more inspired recordings for less money and in less time”
We'll see. Having the pressure of hourly studio expense removed may lead to lazier, less inspired recordings.

Yes. The best Stephen King work falls into this category as well.  The Shining comes to mind.

That's an interesting comparison, but there's a fundamental difference between a well and the fourth dimension.

I hear you.  At face value, Ben and Jenny's love seems to be more of the agape type than the eros type. For some reason, our societal tendency is to draw a line from affection to sexual activity. It's obviously quite heartbreaking that an elderly man with pure intentions of joy and affection can not play with a little

Exactly!  I was hoping someone would make that comment.

That comment seemed almost smug coming from an alien who lives for many centuries.

He's basically the Karl Rove of the Kanamit race.

" For starters, how on Earth is English a one-to-one match for whatever language the Kanamits have?"

I like your points, but it's hard not to believe that the Kanamits tricked humanity.  The lie detector scene in particular stands out.  I should rewatch to see if it was a semantic loophole that the Kanamit used to pass the test, but I was under the impression that he (she?) simply tricked the machine.

Right.  The Kanamits talk to humans on our level just like we might say, "bokbokbok, come here chicken."

Two take homes from TSM:

I wonder if the Kanamits have human rights activists and intergalactic vegans.

It's funny you say that.  On Tuesday, I watched 'To Serve Man' with my five year old nephew who loves supernatural stuff.  He loved the episode, and I tried to explain it better…."then the aliens are nice, the humans get rid of all their weapons….

I wonder what the recipes themselves translated as?

I think that back in the early days of agriculture, people were pretty damn hungry a lot of the time.  Imagine our ancestors on hands and knees vying with a calf for udder control.

"My job is to entertain people."

I found the ribs anecdote to particularly chilling.  I hate the thought of someone keeping people captive as sex slaves, yet still going to neighborhood barbecues.  Jesus.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the 1990 feature film.  It was the huge Star Wars-type phenomena of my generation.  Watching it in the theater gave the sense that many kids were watching it simultaneously across the country.

There are few things more comical than a Type-A getting pushed past the brink.