
Ah. Now to go hit head against wall.

Good God, it's nice to have TZ reviews back. Damn you, Arrested Development.

That would have made an outstanding TZ episode, but it would never have gotten past censors.

I was completely unsettled by "Little Girl Lost," but then again I have a daughter.

It's the remix to the Turtles
Jumpin' over the hurdles
Whoopi roll in that body
Got every man in here squirtles

I'm with Noel here. I thought the buildup was hilarious and a perfect example of someone overthinking a problem. If Michael assumes G-M and Maeby are on his side, it could've been a P-Hound blitz from the get-go.


Right. My first thought was 'I know I've heard Walter White say fuck a time or two.'

Possibly. There's something a little unnerving about a guy getting a boner for a pregnant lady.

Bobby's shirt with the Mohawk indian logo was a little distracting.

At this point, Duck has defecated in more episodes than Sal has appeared.

I do admit that I see a shade of Pete in my character, and for years was probably more similar to him than any other character.

The episode was arrested for distracting us from Arrested Development.

Don't forget the other missing Bobby: Bobbie Barrett!

Just not Planet of the Apes. You're too young.

I still have my suspicions about Bob. One of his contacts is a Spanish military nurse? I like the "Dick Whitman investigator" theory even more after this episode.

That article link has some great fun facts:

It's become a pissing contest.

Few here can argue with that.

What's more self-conscious: the review or the review of the review?