
Draper, Cutler, Sterling, and Chough…..or something more modern like AdVance AdVertising: the future has yet to come.

" I still enjoy when Don and pals come up with a scheme so ridiculous that you know they’re just bound to pull it off."

Amen on Muriel Landers.  Her "floating like a snowflake on the wind" soliloquy was moving.

You're a harsher critic than Fortune!

I should've known with the ball-n-glove picture.  If I remember right, Storylords was made at UWSP and dispersed to grade school classrooms across the northwoods.

Two very strong episodes.

Your handle wouldn't be a reference to "your royal badness, Thorzul," would it?

"Rosie," Jackson Browne.

Indeed, raccoons are adept swimmers.  Dogs tend to be hit and miss with swimming ability, and perhaps we've all had the terrifying experience of swimming with a panicked dog.  They will scratch the shit out of you as they attempt to float on your body.

I took the smoke to be a celestial mist of some kind.

Perhaps the walk to the gates is different for each who walk it.  Maybe Hyder's definition of heaven would be the place he didn't get tricked into going in to.  It fits well with his hermit ideal—not getting tricked into joining western society.

Cosgrove-Crane advertising.

Do it.

"Jesse, you were the vacuum cleaner salesman all along?  Nooooooo!!!!"

Eye of the Zombie by John Fogarty.  I think my mom wore the tape out that cassette on station wagon expeditions in the late eighties/early nineties.

Yes.  You appreciate the instrumental track to Xxplosive.  I bought the vinyl of 2001 instrumentals just for that sweet beat.  Unfortunately, the lyrics are just terrible.

Haha.  Just had a flashback to twenty years ago when my brother and I changed the lyrics of that song to "Darren-Dalton" in reference to the Phillies' catcher.

From the opening flourishes of "Time Spent in Los Angeles" to the touching chicken wing reference in "Little Bit of Everything," Nothing is Wrong rolls single tears down the plump cheeks of second (and third!) generation appreciators of that sweet Laurel Canyon sound.

QOM falls a little flat in my opinion.  I agree with Todd when he says, “A Quality Of Mercy” is a little over-obvious and doesn’t really go anywhere."

"I refuse to acknowledge Harry Potter and that stuck-up owl of his."