Deep Purple

Fishbone rules. They should have done their song for that scene.

Lot of job opportunities for melanized actors…unless all of the action is on the battlefield

I thought she died
Good for her still being alive and stuff. I get her sometimes mixed up with Gina Gershon.

But Bernie Madoff had one helluva popshot!

There is a Google Map of locations from the Walking Dead which are numbered in chronological order by which they appear in the comic. I'd check that out. It got me up to speed comic-wise in a good half-hour.

A lot of racists don't use racial epithets. Darryl is just better at holding his tongue compared to his brother.


I suspect
that the TV show is going to deviate quite strikingly from the comic version, starting in tonight's episode. So it may well be "original".

Aside from dazzling cinametography, I don't see this series as breaking any new ground. They ought to join forces with the SyFy channel and make up a migration pattern for mythical beasts or zombies. That I would watch.

Awesome work, I wonder what they will change in the TV show…

In the original Night of the living Dead, a couple of the dead were eating bugs. My thinking is that they eat anything that lives but that humans are the meal of choice, kind of like I'll eat anything but preferentially hone in on some Twinkies.

Yeah buddy
That was the shit! And they totally ate the fuck out of that horse. YES!

I hope they eat the fuck out of that horse. If they pull a Dawn-Of-The-Dead-type error and have the zombies spare other animal life, I will be pissed.

I think the zombies are pure Id without the mitigating factors of ego and superego and hence the instatiable hunger for all things living.

Homega Man!

My List
1) Alien (1979): I saw that chestburster emerge at the age of 4 years. I still remember running the hell out of the living room crying. Nothing (I hope) in my life will top that moment of pant-shitting fear.

So Ofdensen
has been orchestrating everything all along? Is he the same man who is in charge of the tribunal? Wow. I am definitely looking forward to next season, hopefully we don't have to wait for a long time.

Too bad for Metalocalypse.

Pulmonary thromboembolism until proven otherwise…

His country music was so good he once entertained a KKK rally because they booked him thinking he was white. Instead of doing him harm when they saw him sing, they pelted him with requests. This is from his obituary in The Guardian.