Deep Purple

Best Sideshow Bob episodes
The one where the Simpsons go under witness protection, followed closely by the one with Cecil and the Springfield Dam.

Hey y'all,
that pretty much encapsulates why I never watched, y'all.

She's laughing
all the way to the bank.

Anyway you slice it,
the kid had head injuries, the fault is not with the medical examiner for classifying the case as a homicide, but with the investigators for possibly arrestingthe wrong man

Sadly enough,
both snaggletoothed hillbillies got the boot.

Give Tracy Morgan a shot at hosting

Im going to give his show a chance
It has to be at least as good as the art contest show they did last year, right?

It was never about what you knew; it's who you blew

I want to see him bury the dismembered body of yet another former intern under his floorboards

I think the finale of masters is going to be Richard Blais against the last master.

The hot can always get away a bit with stupidity.

Prescription for a hit zombie flick:
Sparkly cute guy zombies who want to eat female flesh but are trying really hard not to and hot chick humans who want to be bit but are really trying hard not to. Soundtrack: Maroon5, Ne-Yo, and Rihanna!


Pearl Jam is ok
but Alice in chains' DIRT and Soundgarden's BADMOTORFINGER blow away all of Pearl Jam's catalogue.

They should have made caricatures of said artists for their walls.

Is that supposed to be a riff on Django? I loved that movie as a kid. The protag had no musical instrument though. Or were they also riffing on Robert Rodriguez movies?

That was awesome.

One bite
is an amuse bouche, right? They made appetizers instead.

Their elimination challenge should have been to cook a rich white person for a family of poor blacks.

Her mistake was so elementary, putting cold ceviche in a hot soup, resulting in a meh chowder. This finale is all Blais' to lose.