Deep Purple

It's done. People are sick of Mexas

I think the time is ripe
For a competing network to put on a strong program at the 11:30EST timeslot and make SNL fight for survival. The show is coasting on its past.

Too bad this program could not curry any favor with the AV Club.

What about the perpetual smell enveloping the obese, that could be the basis of their "very special episode" starring Jillian Michaels.

Maureen Dowd
Overuses this sort of thing on a near weekly basis. Please don't make it a habit. Thanks.

there was no telling who was on the other end of that phone conversation or what position she was in; i mean she could be tied up in a crawlspace and her answers could be identical!

She was the best thing in
Dinner for Schmucks, an otherwise So-so movie

Maybe LB hates not the pitch or tone but the simple fact that she as a voice and uses it; I sense a smidge of misogyny and perhaps even racism there too.

Robin had cancer, whereas Amanda has canker. Big difference. And Robin did win a Quickfire that one time.

Folks who cook for a living are usually not too good with numbers beyond a dozen (12). Now before you all get your tampons twisted, I know about Kevin from last season turning down MIT but he is pretty much the exception that proves the rule.

Let me see if I understand the plot correctly…
…A white cowboy cop on a horse has to save a white woman and child from a horde of unwashed, dirty, rotting people with imperfect complexions and subhuman intelligence? This isn't some Tea-Party propaganda, is it?

All I can think of is the song from that episode of the Simpsons where Marge does "A Streetcar Named Desire"

HK keeps repeating what just happened after each commercial break and before each show. It's like watching a rerunning stream of consciousness without a point.

Indeed. I love how the team Blue's hubris caught up with them in the end.

I think his priorities are with his restaurants.

Pelosi is a total GMILF. I wonder how the over-salted food affected her botox.

If Jaclyn had made it to the final
We could have had a gallery of wall to wall teats and possibly the hint of furburger. All the cotton candy and deerbortions in the world would not have beat that.

She's well on her way to butt cancer like Farah Fawcett.

I thought it was a reference to the "Book of Eibon", or "Livre D'Ibon", known to Cthulhu mythos enthusiasts.

There ought to be only one Metal Box Classic. I nominate Slayer, "Reign in Blood" That is the alpha and omega of metal discs as far as I'm concerned.