Deep Purple

Jaclyn was done for
The moment that there was a challenge that precluded her from taking a nude photo of herself in the bathroom. If she had guts she should have floated naked face down in the water and had that photo put up in the corner or posed naked face down in a pile of dead vegetation and had the photo

NEWSFLASH: sometimes diplomats lie.

It was not necessary to make authentic ethnic cuisine; Kevin went to the top three because he cooked a good dish. Stephen's Chimmichurri mix-up could have been forgiven had HE NOT SCREWED UP RICE.

He must have molested her
Happy now, Snarky McSnark?

The moment I get my hands on this game is the moment my marriage ends

Once you get out, the six+ figures makes all the suffering worth it, unless you do something altruistic, like pro-bono ob-gyn care for crack whores. Then you just to pat your self on the back.

I wonder how Ed felt when he was watching the part when Angelo admitted he had crabs.

This squeamishness is why America will not retain her global dominance

If her restaurant was Asian, she would call it Kelly Likee.

I don't get the attraction for Tamesha she's pretty average at best. I think Angelo is very disingenuous.


The best public art would be a public execution

That Gaysian is in the top five, guaranteed


You know what would have been a great piece of art?
A nude man wearing a Ronald Reagan mask hog-tied and prone with a crucifix protruding from his arse, untitled.

Mammary glands equal ratings. I don't see her taking the grand prize, however.

Those cancer-bags were off the hook!

She is the Leah of this season. Nice looking, but you know you want to put the choke on her.

what Judith did took major league ovaries. You have to respect someone who doesn't give a about convention.

They only kept Jaclyn
Cause she's gonna get