Deep Purple

Sillier than Wolverine being played by a poofter?

When will contestants learn
that you simply don't win with dessert unless it is specifically part of the challenge?

I thought fatty was going to get the boot in the beginning, given the amount of airtime she was given.

She looks a bit like Kate Hudson. I hope she sticks around for a bit.

Perez Hilton
is as much a chylde pronogaffer as much as Billie Ray Cyrus is a piimp.

The nice black lady with vitiligo did not quite understand the concept of "portrait" and got the axe

This hetero
is glad thay have a couple of hot broads on this show, at least one of whom will get next week

Are we going to see some milk-engorged Padma mammaries?

Susur was robbed, but I guess it was time
For a black person to win on the show. Discuss!

Susur got robbed.

Barring a catastrophe, Susur has a lock on the win

That goomba was a total puss

At least
He didn't make up some fake bullshit story about how he and Ronnie were really good friends or some shit.

I think if there is an elimination challenge based on land-dwelling creatures only, Moonen will have to leave. He's clearly not as well rounded as Waxman or Susur. Realistically, though, I see Samuelsson getting the boot next week.

I love a good brat boiled in cheap beer

They should have made the quickfire loser wear the Duke lacrosse uniform

No surprise that he wasn't into the taco!

I think she is all about tacos, if you take my meaning.

She's got a body that looks tight for her age. Damn.

She needs a sandwich. Why can't the hostess be someone who looks like they actually ingest food?