Deep Purple

Maybe he's a bitch that hunts

4th Chamber is one of the greatest tracks of all time and I cannot wait for the follow up. It better not have too many lame ass skits in it though.

If he recovers…
I hope VH1 puts him on "Stroke of Love."

If I was Australian, I'd be more offended by being called "English" than being called a "redneck"

Do the creators of Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Get a cut of the Time Lincoln profits? They probably should.

Spoiler Alert
The convertible winds up on the shores of lake Hali where Stewart is offered up to Hastur by Redmayne. William Hurt is none other than Nyarlathotep, the herald of chaos. Ia!

Racial minorities with college degrees

So it is not a total remake of the original?
No gypsy? Is his name even Lawrence Talbot in the film?

Wasn't that a cutaway Family Guy gag? I believe the song was "Water"

May I say JANTLT, that you have the best username on this site?

Hiro wakes up. The whole show was a dream. He finishes his homework for his Differential Equations class, double checks it and waits for the carpool to pick him up for his advanced placement summer pre-college class. Fade to Black.

Sounds like gluniak

He's going for the unkempt "Gen-Y" vibe: I can afford to dress and look sloppy because things will turn out just fine in the end.

Steven Wright with neck melanoma

I would crush that like a Chechnyan uprising

Acquired pneumonia?
Aren't all pneumonias acquired in some fashion? I think the coroner ought to brush up on his medical terminology.

At least he can make jokes out of stuff other than his ethnicity
I think he has a long career ahead of him.

Spoiler Alert
I think the scene where Gibson finally confronts Gargamel Dershowitz in the bowels of the matzoh factory where they grind up unbaptized babies was totally over the top. It was like the Protocols of Zion met Punisher:Warzone

are the best thing about anything, except death camps. Not even can salvage death camps.

Remember the Corrs? Those broads were totally lovelybonable.