Deep Purple


I meant I loved zombie str:ppers

I loved Zombie s

Shop it to HBO or SHOWTIME
and lemme see some zombie teats!

That interview
was awesome

I'd still burst out of her chest

The take home message from this film is that being d and murdered is awesome because you get some primo afterlife action. I think Stanley Tucci did her a favor and we should cut his character some slack

The virus targeted the ink that was used to print the Bibles and the Gideons who would distribute them.

One of the GBs is going to be a chick, and it's going to be a piece of crap rom-com

Toback's Black and White also used Stiller wisely

They already played an ice skating rink for spaghetti. A lot of people got electrocuted.

I just got the new Nile
The new Nile CD is mind blowing.

I haven't been this mad since the Moon landing was faked

That ditty was bawdy!

In comedy, much like real life, there is no love (or need) for shlubby broads. When they really need ugly women, just have a dud play the part or a hottie can get super uglied-up [Like Charlize Theron in Monster].

Not the year for the Pats after all. Nevermore!

Daybreakers was awesome
My only quibble (SPOILER ALERT) was that the vampires don't cast reflections. I think that is a magical vampire quality that ought to be omitted from a scientific vampirism movie. Not casting reflections is fine for an Anne Rice vampire, ,but here it sort of took away from the awesomeness of

Taj Mahal
I've been to the Taj Mahal

I don't buy Cera as being any sort of masculine type who is into women. I'd buy him as being a woman wanting someone masculine, though.

I wash out my mind with some Teen Mom. That show is truly harrowing, especially the teen MILF and the cow with the morbidly obese loser fiancee.