Deep Purple

She was so close to losing I do not think she is going to win in the end.

I think they'll rename it "THE CANCELED"

I'd rank Robin ahead of Eli in becuase although they each have 1 quickfire win, he's up up for elimination at least once more than her.

I also think this is what doomed Laurine, since she appeared to be the leader and took a lot of flack for the poor food that came out.

I'd let her honor my protein.

She has 2500 dollars to console herself with. Poor old baby.

I knew she would be leaving; it was telegraphed in the opening shot. Also, her choice of skirt was poor, given her stubby legs. I would have preferred a pant-suit combo. It's a shame she got the boot just as I learned her name. She was a total non-presence throughtout the season.

They could have called it "Volter" (French pron: "voltay") It means "to jump" and they could have kept the acronymic meaning.


Houston viewing issue
Was anyone watching in Houston and have their TV screen go red as Moe uttered his "you should wash me before you eat me" line? Was there anything especially graphic during that part, or is my TV itself to blame?

Yup. She couldn't lead her brigade and got tossed

Slayer: Reign in Blood
All you need, friends. All you need.

Pork in the Riette, never happened before. No one cares.
When you drop kick the Pinot, as you enter the door, no one glares.

He totally Ash Fulked himself

I don't know the guy but I think he IS my friend.

That fat little toad definitely has some sort of mother complex based on his hostility to much older Robin…

No Tennile?
Where was Tennile in the finale?

Ash has this Dahmer vibe going on

This ain't no Trading Places!

12 years from now, the oldest two are dangling from poles in a high class joint. Mark my word