Deep Purple

It's a short bus

Back to Basque coutry for Tintin!

That guy ought to learn English, trying to do business in America and all; or is that something we only demand of our non-white immigrants?

That's not the first time Ash caused a gag reflex…

Tintin's time is almost up. I give him 2 episodes max.

He's Gimli without the +3 mithril armor.

She looks like a monkfish that escaped one too many deep-sea fishing expeditions

Isn't it awesome
how the chef with the least amusing bouche had the worst amuse-bouche?

More like a Top Chef Fail

Finale: Suzanne vs. Kevin.

Andy is next to go
He was barely there tonight. Tennile won't win, but she is the awesomest attitude-wise.

Amazement and clapping to fire and is pretty much the story of all of mankind's endeavors

Wonder why they don't play up the gay in the TV promos.

I would love to trigger Padma's gag reflex

Fatty McLipPiercings is next to go. Mark my word.

I loved this movie, but did the Nazis really genocide the hottie Jewesses also?

That tattooed latina's exit was telegraphed
The moment she refused to unpack. Also, those tattoos grossed me out and I'm sure she has at least three kinds of hepatitis.

Niger, please!

Tennile will be around for at least the top 4
She's a tough bird and I think Ramsay respects that. That obese waste of flesh Robert, though, is about to flatline.

Does the time travelers poop and pee go with him too?
One of the points of the movie is that all of his cells go together because they all have the same defective gene causing time travellosis. So shouldn't his hair, nails, and digested food and waste products be left behind every time he jumps?