Deep Purple

Robert is leaving next week
Fat boy is so done. He's too fat to breathe, let alone run a restaurant. How will he deal with that high altitude?

Fox's Sunday Night lineup. . .
. . is making like it didn't just take a serious spill down that slope, all laughing and talking and shit, but we all know better.

Miranda's Law
Would make helmets mandatory in all ski slopes and would be a fine tribute and much needed peice of legislation.

Nile, to me
Is the current be all/end all of metal. I can never get into LOG for some reason but I don't hate anyone who does.

The Freshman
by PJ Farmer is a great short story. RIP!

If this was a blond, blue eyed white broad
She would be hailed as a hero and given her own show by now. Unfortunately, she is some flavor of brown and is instead an object of scorn.

But what about the Dufresne party? RIP Mitch Hedberg

Last Meal and a couple of other comments
Chicken Tandoor with Raita, palak paneer, naan, and Kingfisher beer followed by mango ice cream.

You know who is getting a lot of work lately? Medical examiners.


I hope it is a success
Because then they can finally get around to making Watchmen Babies

The best way to do a deadpool is via a point system where you subtract the person's age from 100 years. This way, people with young die-lebrities have an edge over people who stack the deck with the aged and decrepit.

I knew Radhika wouldn't make it much longer
Nothing worse than a leader who can't lead. She should have sent Carla up front and cooked in the back. After all, Carla offered to work the front, didn't she? Also, she had first pick and could have had Stefan on her team!

Up the Irons!
Up the Irons!

More like Hail to the Thief!
Am I right or am I right?

And If you don't know, now you know

Radhika is useless when she can't make Indian
Radhika could have used the opportunity to show us she could make more than just Indian food but she didn't! Somehow I see her not making the final three. My final three: Stefan, Jeff, Jamie.

Shouldn't hip-hop have it's own Hall of Fame?
Isn't hip-hop established enough to have its own HOF? Does the Rock and Roll HOF think it can make up for decades of neglect by inducting a couple of token rap acts? Are they going to induct Wu Tang, Tupac, or Biggie in the future? Won't that diminish them?

Bush's last opportunity for a dick move
You know what would be a great Dick move? Bush should pardon Cheney then resign. Cheney would then be sworn in as the 44th president and during the half day he has left in office, he could pardon Bush. That would make Obama #45.

New Format
I love it!