The Loveable Creep

Temp Job Thread:I began today by entering a large list of 10-digit numbers into a spreadsheet.  Now, my printer has been fixed so I can continue on with primary task of printing out massive stacks of documents and stapling them together for hours on end. Hooray for being a productive member of society!

Meanwhile, AVC readers who don't follow Classic Simpson reviews are very confused right now…


“Everyone else seems afraid to say it, but that giant is kind of a cunt, right?"

Come on guys, the answer is obvious:

For me, tonight's episode fell somewhere between the best episode Community has ever done and the worst episode Community has ever done.

Prove it.

When I was 14, it was between that and staring intensely into the scrambled feed of Cinemax hoping to see a distorted, blurry breast.

Are Marky Mark and Diddy going to collaborate on a diss track aimed at Aquafina?

Don't forget the gay porn version: "Jack off the Giant Gay-Bear"

It might be the insomnia, but for some reason I find the idea of Disqus playing the 'oppressed minority' card to be hilarious and I can't explain why.

Only if it's your own semen.

It's been a long time since I've watched any episode of the Office, but I remember really, really loving season 2-3 and absolutely hating season 4. To me, season 4 was just writers pandering to fans (Jim and Pam in Love! Micheal acting like an idiot! Dwight is weird!) with very little else happening. Season 5, I

I'm pretty sure this is a gimmick, but I don't get it.

To me, it reads as if Harmon wrote an intelligent response, and then just for fun, he ran it through google translate a few times and copy and pasted the result onto Joel's fb page.


So does anyone here have any thoughts or opinions about this particular television show?

I got a Tantalizing Morsel notification for this?

Welcome to the 2014 Academy Awards, and here is your host, an inanimate carbon rod!

So is stuff of consequence actually going to happen this season? I liked season 2, but was disappointed in how at season's end, it felt like most of the major conflicts of the show still remained unresolved, making everything that happened in those ten episodes feel sorta insignificant.