The Loveable Creep

Oh, I do have very strong opinions on many things in life. I just don't feel that a novelty card game that white people play at casual gatherings is something that requires a binary "for or against" mindset.

My opinions on CAH are as follows:

Area Man Can't Stop Telling People About How Much More He Liked Famous Artists Were Before They Got Famous.

Because we are in a listicle-centered society, and anything and everything has to be ranked by any metric imaginable.

I know it's kind of weird and morbid to say, but I see him going down historically as a similar figure as JFK. Both were mostly middling presidents in terms of what they actually accomplished while in office, but JFK is, and I think Obama will be too, remembered more for being larger-then-life cultural figures who

Another reminder that my state's only contribution to music was Slipknot and killing Buddy Holly. You're welcome, America!

They are often funny, and yes, funny is the most important thing in comedy, but to paraphrase Roger Ebert, they feel that if you believe in or want to change anything in the world you are the enemy. I enjoy the humor, but I will admit the constant straw-manning and punching-down of anyone who doesn't prescribe to

On this topic, is it still a complete taboo to suggest that show may be better than the the later books? I know the show can be pretty silly at times, but, you know, there's stuff actually happening.

Did anyone else buy the soundtrack on iTunes in an attempt to humble Kanye? I still listen to it every year.

I feel that every mention of the band Distrubed, should come with a reminder that they once wrote a song unironically called "Pain Redefined." That title alone is more bitchy-white-teenager then Fred Durst watching Boondock Saints.

As an Iowan, this episode did not play well with me.

"I live by two words: fuck you, elect me!"


I think it's pretty cool that their now making movies out of things geeky teenagers said in 2008. I wonder who is going to win the bidding war for the movies: Dude, The Dark Knight was Amazing! and Fallot 3 is Basically Going to be Oblivion With Guns.

Can I just take a moment to say that there are few people in the world that I hold greater contempt for than the person at every super bowl party who, before the game, thinks that they are the cleverest motherfucker in the world because they are going to make jokes about how they only watch for the commercials. So, at

SPORT'S FAN: Hooray Football! Look at how awesome and popular I am for liking sports!

The power's out in my building, so I'm sitting in the dark reading snark comments about the Grammys on my phone.

Heh, that was weird.

This episode got really deep when it reminded us that a witch killing a rapist by fucking him with her evil, magic vagina was exactly like what the survivors of Hurricane Katrina had to go through.

My favorite part of the last scene is how Walt tricks Uncle Jack into keeping him alive long enough to set off robot-gun.  It was a perfect moment of self-awareness where Walt did the one thing he knew would piss himself off the most and used it on Jack to get him to do something really stupid.