The Loveable Creep

Think about it guys, this is the last time this show will be the show that everyone makes fun of for being after Breaking Bad. Next week it'll simply be a shitty show that no one watches.

Though, you have to admit, it was cool seeing Jessie and Mike as detectives in the sideways universe.

Watching this finale live is an experience that I'll probably tell my future grandchildren about.

It actually crossed my mind that he'd see some flashing lights in the background and get pulled over for speeding.

I feel like the last two episodes were so damn depressing, that the show earned itself a happy ending for it's characters.  If they went with the "everyone dies" ending that a lot of people were predicting, it would almost have been a cop out.  The show had already taken each of its characters to their own personal

…and 23 minutes after the show has ended, the backlash has already begun.

The last unfunny breakfast joke. This truly is the end of era.

I was kind of surprised that we didn't what happens to Jessie after he escapes, but I feel like it makes sense when you think that this show was about the arc of Walter White.  The show needed to end with Walt's death.

The special love I have for you, my baby blue.

For all of the terrible things Walt has done, tonight I felt he got the worst punishment imaginable for someone like him:

I'm sure one of the deleted scenes on the DVD will be Walt alone in his cabin recording his indie/folk album, "For Jessie, Forever Ago."

Coach Taylor would be very disappointed right now.

I hope that Todd gets put in one of those acid barrels.

"So, George R. R. Martin, you want a character more evil than Joffery? Here, let me show you one." - Vince Gilligan

Good Cop. Bad Cop…   Same Cop?!?!?!?

The writers stopped writing his character as a dark, scary, complex antihero, and switched him over to "Badass who kills people and monologues a lot."

This show looks like the exact kind of batshit insanity that network television has been sorely missing since Lost went off the air.

Yeah, I should've known better, but I'd figure seeing some GIFs and lame memes about the episode would hold me over until Donna's review was up…

I actually haven't thought of that way, but that might a brilliant meta move my Gilligan to have the one thing that "Team Walt" have always wanted to hear Walter say be what actually saves Skylar in the end.