The Loveable Creep

Oh Margey
You came and you found me turkey
On my vacation away from worky

"Hey, we are out of these 'new love' cookies."

Ok-a-ly Dok-a-ly

"Fly my pretties, Fly!"

"The ending ("No.") could be seen coming a mile away" Yes, Damn you Simpsons for not giving us thrilling, unpredictable storylines, and powerful, meaningful drama.

Kids, did anyone pray for giant shoes?

Am I the only one who is thinking O'Neal has the first 90 parts of the script already written, and he just waits patiently day-in and day-out for Steve Carell to say or do something remotely newsworthy?

I have a feeling that this might be one of the least visited pages in AVC history.

I actually had the trailer play before an internet porn video. Seriously.

"Someday, I will stop masturbating from on top of rooftops. Today is not that day."

I was actually pissed off to see the movie on so many "worst of 2012" lists. Sure, none of the pseudo-philosophy made any sense  but it was entertaining just for the spectacle of six different movies playing at once.

Staring Dylan McDermott as Zombie-Al Davis and Jessica Lange as the Raider's head coach.

Hey, they still had more to do than the zombie-mutants.  Remember those things? Yeah, I'm not sure I do either.

Why? Don't you get it? It's a rap song with a guy rapping about things aren't cool as if they were the coolest thing ever.  You know, the joke that The Lonely Island, Weird Al, Flight of the Concords, LMFAO, Childish Gambino, about three million people on youtube, etc. have already done to death.  It's hilarious.

I feel that the government should release a list of the name and addresses of all the parents who keep buying Kidz Bop for their children.  Then, we murder them all.

No creeps?

Has there ever been an otherwise good movie with a worse final scene then The Last Exorcism? In a few short minutes, the movie completely undid everything that made it effective for the sake of a "shocking" twist ending.

As I mentioned in last week's review, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if tonight's review just is a gif of Todd's head exploding.

From when I googled it, this, inexplicably, was one of the top images:

Am I the only one thinking that when making up this wanted poster, they did a quick google search for "fat balding redhead" and his was the first picture that came up, so they went with it?