The Loveable Creep

Yeah, I'm not going to read all that.

"This fictional tv show has greatly influenced my political views and has caused me to rethink how I will vote in the next election," said no one, ever.


Donkey Kong made me very sexually immoral.


*Tries desperately to think of something brilliant and original*

Well, technically he did…

I'm assuming this means we are finally going to get Ryan Murphy's take on the women's suffrage movement.

"Lance Armstrong is the best athlete in the world and a true American hero!" - Stupid People circa 2005

The crazy thing was when he said that (2008) Armstrong and Woods were still very widely beloved and both considered to be great role models. Dude knew what he was talking about.

I'll let George Carlin express my thoughts on this matter:

The A-/B+ grading scale is pretty much a running joke at this point.

The A-/B+ grading scale is pretty much a running joke at this point.

I feel like I'm watching Archer have a conversation with Archer right now, and I'm loving it.

That opening scene was the probably closest thing I've ever had to a religious experience.

Nobody get's it. That's what makes it such a fascinating story. Everyone in the sport's media and elsewhere is scrambling trying to figure out what the fuck is going on, and no one has a clue.

"Yes, but he won a lot of football games. How could he be a bad person?" - every single Penn State fan.

Nah, child predators are old news in college football. Fake girlfriends dying of cancer is where it's at now.

Honestly, the way this keeps playing out, I wouldn't be surprised when I open the review for the season finale to just see a GIF of Todd's head exploding in lieu of an actual review.

…Although I do have to say, as batshit as this episode was, it was still only half of the mindfuck then that of tonight's Sportcenter.