The Loveable Creep

So… What in the holy name of fuck was that?

I just saw it last night, and holy fuck, that was an incredible movie. That is all.

They have to go back, Kate. They have to go back!!!

Hot Tub Time Machine: The Squeakquel

@avclub-0d4efaa2c9d1041eb9b8b5319eec8531:disqus , those scenes are actually what made his crowd-pleasing performance stand out so bad.  There were several moments in the movie where it was clear that Jack Reacher was written as this cold, ruthless badass, but throughout the whole movie Cruise is constantly smirking at

The last Mission Impossible movie was pretty cool. So there's that.

I felt that it would been an ok genre flick if it wasn't for the hilariously awful miscasting of Tom Cruise.  People have been joking about he didn't physically match the part; I thought his performance stood out as the worst part of the movie.

Great, this asshole again.


If only the White House was able to officially reject the prequels being made. Amirite brahs?

"You know what's better than a million dollars? The fifty dollars I paid for majority ownership of MySpace."

Does he collaborate with Andy Sandberg on this album? Because that will have a huge influence on how excited I will be for it.

I'm now thinking that these headline screw-ups are not typos, but rather Sean is actively trying to give us all brain tumors trying to decipher the broken english written in bold on top of the page.

Wait, there are people actually watching this show hoping to see something legitimately scary?  I thought we all agreed this show was worth watching entirely for the insanity and the ass.

With most shows, killing off majority of main characters and wrapping almost all of the major story arcs with two episodes left in the season would be a sign for worry.  With this, show I couldn't think of what batshit insanity they are going to have to come up with to fill up the rest of this season:

It's nothing, I was just being a smart-ass. Any other questions?

My parents, and other old people. Any other questions?

Am I the only one who feels that the Razzies are completely redundant in the internet era?  Is there really not enough time and energy spent making fun of the Twilight movies already that we need a faux awards show just to point out to the masses that those movies suck?

Hey at least you got out. Some of us are still stuck.

So this is essentially The People I Hated Most From High School: The Reality Show.