The Loveable Creep

Great, this asshole again?

I feel I have to get this off my chest, at the risk of being stoned:

The screen cuts to black, and then the Loony Tunes theme starts playing as a circle pops up in the center and Jessie pokes his head through and and exclaims "eh-th-bl-tha-she-ble… That's all, Bitches!"

Wow, the headline at the top of the page is giving me a headache.

2 Breaking 2 Bad

He really should have been using more of his Pink Matter (ft. Andre 3000)

Is it lonely up there on your pedestal?

How about in dog years?

I don't know about you guys, but when I have a relative die tragically, I find the best way to deal with the grief is to go and watch a matinee of Les Mis in the exact same place where they where murdered in cold blood by a maniac.  A large soda and some Mike and Ikes only bring me more closure.

I should probably clarify and state that I don't mean it was funny as in it was a cool thing to do. I just think it was amazing that he went to such lengths to be such a huge asshole for no real discernible reason except to ensure that his opinion on the Female Video of the Year award on an MTV award show be heard by

@avclub-0d4efaa2c9d1041eb9b8b5319eec8531:disqus , at this point, I don't feel like a long, drawn-out argument with someone over the internet, so I'm just going to shake your hand, wish you good luck and godspeed your crusade, and walk away with dignity.

So… A lot of people like someone you dislike. Therefore, you feel that it is your duty to repeatedly tell everyone else in the world that they are wrong and you alone possess the sole correct opinion.

Apparently, I am the only other person (besides Kanye) who actually found his VMA stunt hilarious.  Of course, this may be because I am a horrible, soulless human being and have an indefensible hatred of rich, entitled teenage girls.

An opinion: Kanye West good.

@ComradeQuestions:disqus , would you please stop reading that Ross Perot pamphlet?

It's my right knee, it tends to stay pretty neutral on such matters.

It's my right knee, it tends to stay pretty neutral on such matters.

A part of me enjoyed this, a part of me is thinking this shtick is getting old, a part of me has no opinion on this comment, and a part of me is aroused right now.

A part of me enjoyed this, a part of me is thinking this shtick is getting old, a part of me has no opinion on this comment, and a part of me is aroused right now.

*Jumps out of window*