Hey Dudeses

I still have my HD-DVD player plugged in.

Thumbs up for Whataburger and masturbation.

I'm 1 and a half books into the Wheel of Time. I have purchased them all pre-emptively and I'm beginning to think it was a mistake because I keep putting The Great Hunt down and reading another book, then reading 50 more pages of The Great Hunt and putting it back down. Does it get better? Is there a reason to torture

It's like someone pissing all over your house and then telling you that your house smells like urine.

I ctrl + f'ed and typed in Falcor. Wasn't disappointed.

I also feel the same. And really, if there is a column that people hate, they can just wait 5 minutes because another one is bound to replace it. It's not like this column existing is hurting anyone.

Less dog-eared and more stuck together.

If anything, I feel I used too few shitbags.

Shitbags and the Shitbags Who Love Them

I wish it was Viva Pinata. Oh how awesome it would be if everyone were talking about their 1337 pinata rearing skillz.

I have twc right now and I can agree that it is the worst. Any p2p connection gets throttled to hell. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel though. Google fiber has set up in my building and I'm just waiting for my box.

Fuck you Comcast! Making me laugh at Asshole Brown. That's a shame.

They have no dicks?

Is the genie shaq? I bet its Shaq.

*catches Jesus deflating footballs*

[creepy bass]

I'm just blue turtlin' here, but do these rappers need to be taking over our small screen when they already have our ears under their control? Sorry about all my blue turtlin.

He probably caused a massive train to zone.

He should have a man vs food type show where he sees how much piss he can drink.

Mortal kombat or creepy crawler?