Hey Dudeses

From one 25 year old powerlifter to another, these times are rough and I'll miss you too.

You mean I was never a 25 year old powerlifter?

Heads are too close to butts
That is how you get farted on

That would have been equally horrifying actually. I'm glad that didn't happen either, as hilarious as it would have been.

I am so glad that the episode didn't go where I thought it was going to go. When he was a few seconds from stepping onto the wire, I thought Nathan was going to stop, decide that he was too scared to do it (like the skydive), then leave Corey to deal with the aftermath. I was relieved when he made it across just for

I was reading ahead as he was reading and hoping that he would skip it so I wouldn't have to cringe quite as hard.

The kid wasn't in the room. He was in the space ship listening to animal noises, which is pretty much heaven for a kid, I assume.

I was very inspired. Corey is a hero.

He really got into that kiss too. Went for the forehead kiss and everything.

Hey, them naked ladies are nice. Except for when they aren't.

No Andy Daly, no andy dealy.

I just figured out that "Steal My Sunshine" was played because he stole the dude's urine. I'm slow.

I had to pause it when the nurse was "farting". I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard.

Rat's lacist!

He's gonna pull out his mini tremor?

Your post is making me think about buying it sooner. Maybe in 3 months after I've gone through fallout and just cause 3. If they would have released this game a few months back when there was literally nothing coming out game-wise, I would have bought this in a heartbeat.

I played the beta and thoroughly enjoyed the match with 40 people. It seems that the game was made specifically for that kind of action. The levels where you had significantly less people to fight were kind of dull. I will be picking the game up in a year when it's cheaper, especially if there are a lot more levels

I'm not a fan of U2 either, but any time I see a newswire for them, I just start wishing like crazy that it will trigger another new ep of the two Scotts talkin' 2.

New Kids on the Block weren't really club material, I don't think. Since it was mainly little teen girls who listened to them, and most adults of the time didn't have that crossover listenage. It was more like "Get out of my dreams and into my car", "New Sensation and stuff like that.

When I was 7 years old, my father docked our boat up next to an outdoor dance club place. Walk the Dinosaur was playing and I swear to god every fucker on that dance floor knew how to walk the dinosaur. It's a pretty vivid 80's memory of mine. Just 30 people all doing this stupid dance.