Hey Dudeses

This sick? Beat kids! Beat kids!

Woohoo, ghostmaids!

It turns out that Cosby was the most fuckable huxtable all along. All it took was some miracle headache pills to make it so.

It's a good thing that I like my beauties gritty.

I have a special place in my heart for drop kick murphys. Back in 98, they were the first show I went to and it was wild. I saw 2 broken noses and a dude backflipped off the stage and landed on his head. When I left, I had blood on my shirt and it wasn't mine. I didn't really listen to them past their second cd, but

I would if Amish didn't work so damn hard. Where are the Amish unemployment beneficiaries?

I can't go to the movies without buying a giant popcorn, and half of the time I just buy the popcorn and leave so I can watch a movie at home. This is not a service for me.

When my roommates and I lived in a duplex and didn't want the other half of it rented out, we wrote on the windows "HOMELESS SEX HOUSE PARTY 2 NITE" and after they cleaned it off, we would sneak over in the middle of the night and put it back on. They eventually rented it out after we noticed they put cameras up. They

Steel Badkidias

I'm only watching the naked lady show when they go over the roadmap on her butt, tits, and vag. So they better focus most of their effort on those areas.

Follow that bird was better! It taught me how even birds can get crippling depression sometimes.

Show me on the Mario where the Mario touched you.

I love the pen aisle.

Why do people always want to be played by good looking actors in their movies? I would rather be played by an awful looking ratman and then have people look up the real me and see it and say, "Hey, he's not THAT bad." Instead of the reverse.

As soon as I posted it, I realized that Robotz kinda rips off Dinosaurs. But a live action futurama Bender sitcom sounds about right also.

Hey, I'm making a backdoor pilot too! Backdoor Pilots 2: The Search for Curly's Pole

Charleton isn't a real name. Who names their kid that?

Robotz. A situation comedy that involves a world in which there are robots instead of people. Its just guys in robot suits, so couldn't be that expensive. And they have jobs like real life. Except for hobots which are either hobos or prostitutes. It could be a running joke where people get confused about either. And

I'm a board gamer and I wouldn't want to touch it. It was made complex as a joke so I am guessing it'll just be a convoluted mess. Plus a 10 square foot board is insane.
