Hey Dudeses

Why go to a banana stand when Kat Dennings can make your banana stand?

Why go to a banana stand when Kat Dennings can make your banana stand?

Two guys naked in a hot tub.

Two guys naked in a hot tub.

Kat Dennings makes my banana stand.

Kat Dennings makes my banana stand.

I'm using Weasel's post as a sign that god wants me to cheat on my girlfriend with this athiest girl who keeps hitting on me. Thanks Weasels! And high five, god!

I'd only Encarta it so that I can play mind mazeā€¦and I'll only play mind maze so that I can do the mad lib at the end of the level. And I'll only play the mad lib at the end of the level so that I can insert curse words into it and have a vulgar story given to me. It's what I do.

Loose seal!

*puff* It's cold out.

They need to make the movie Tom Cruise Goes to the Mayor.

Big Butt Book

I enjoyed the ZOOM at the end. It makes me think the joke is going faster than it is.

I just want to be included in saying yay this and yay Dawes

He's a rapist who doesn't take no for an answer.

It's cool, I don't know why I put a comma in there, so you officially said it better.

I can taste those meaty, leading man parts in my mouth.

I'm not gonna see Noah if all the animals are hard.

I can't watch the opening anymore because I get the song stuck in my head for months. Seriously, 3 months down the line I was still having it playing. And now, I have it playing again because of that comment.

I was talking about the redheaded chick. I'm not into boners.