Hey Dudeses

Well you're gonna need a bigger wrench. Or a hammer of some kind to pound out the dents in that face.

His name means disrespect to the only fat rappers I knew of until this story: The Fat Boys


I'm more frightened than the naked lady in a dead horse link because this one includes more asses. And none of them as pretty.

Forget about butt?

The ads against propofol use here are more lighthearted. There's ninja turtles talking about getting pizzas and getting teachers. Lots of talk of chickens and turkeys too. Pretty entertaining stuff, but the lesson is: If your doctor tries to give you propofol - GET OUTTA THERE!

They finally got OJ! No more golfing for you mister!

No, I know her name's not Annabelle. That's how I remember her name.. cause her body's kind of shaped like a… she's the belle of the ball!

I post on the AV Club forums regularly. I'm always concerned with the issue at hand.

Same here. I'll be talking about something and I'll notice someone has a big belt buckle, then remember that one and start laughing. You know, they should sell belt buckles like that. I'm sure everyone with expendable money who liked the joke would buy it.

Your dad didn't seem to agree until I forced the issue upon him.

…with his mouth.

…in the penis…

I hope that he turns polygamist and ends up having two wives.

I'm gonna have to take a dump on Bored to Death's chest. Beat you jerkins.

I am a 25 year old powerlifter.

I was cheering for burns. The name of my wiener. Was going to tell him there was nothing to see here.

I liked her tits.

If the baltimore foot stomper likes something, I gotta like it too. Even if it is a load of gravy.

I'm not familiar with the boner, but +200xp for sentence structure and compelling word choice.