Hey Dudeses

If it is, he really shouldn't be keeping his credit on any of the recent episodes of the simpsons.

We can only imagine the amount of times the gang has used Dennis dick getting mangled as some excuse to get away with something or out of a certain situation. I'm sure it's been run over, kicked off, bit off by a dog, gored by a bull, and many other things. I just hope they use it once every season.

I liked the comment about mashed assholes more.

That gets a like for knowing what an ellipsis is and being on the internet.

I've broken into her house. It's true. The sinks are all stained yellow and there's yellow handprints all over the walls.

Not funny.


The Beet Farm is the new Michael.

I like Kat Dennings legs too. They're almost as nice as her gazongas.

Like a penis in the hand of a shrimp holding a shrimp

Yeah, I had dejavu about dennis' dick getting mashed by an exploded keg and him trying to talk his way out of the lie, but I really like the joke, so I don't care if they re-use it.

I'm guessing under the table bjs for the good actors. She has to be in some scenes in the movie (under the table) so that's what they pay her for. She's apparently the best.

She hides her lisp and looked decent once.

The porn context works for me. I'm all for interracial head jamming.


Krammer should be the name of Kramer in a porno version of Seinfeld.

Plus she had a pretty nice behind. That's gotta count for less outrage.

I clicked on it to see naked lady. There weren't even any tit pictures. Booourns.

They both look disgusted in that picture to have seen what they saw.

As long as he doesn't take his shirt off, I'm fine with it. It's probably like one huge stretch mark.