
Why's the comment section so full of cunts and cooches and dicks these days? What happened to the genteel gibes and obscure references of yesteryear? Are these our best and brightest?



That clip of Mitch Hurwitz was worth it.

That clip of Mitch Hurwitz was worth it.

Lancaster is a pretty big city, but it is not the cultural hub of the East Coast.

Lancaster is a pretty big city, but it is not the cultural hub of the East Coast.

Yeah, it's usually just called the Carlisle Indian School. It's very possible that your teacher's (family is?) full of shit, though, since the school was founded by some guy named Pratt and named after the town it's in. And it shouldn't be a huge point of pride to have founded an Indian school.

Yeah, it's usually just called the Carlisle Indian School. It's very possible that your teacher's (family is?) full of shit, though, since the school was founded by some guy named Pratt and named after the town it's in. And it shouldn't be a huge point of pride to have founded an Indian school.

Lena Dunham went there, and it's loosely based on reality, so she kept it in the story. The Onion does like its Oberlin hipster stories, though.

…if the strip-show is at a carnival and he is handing out big stuffed animals to people with good hand-eye coordination, maybe.

Does anyone else think Spagett would make a good mafioso?

He has (what seems like mild) Tourette's and has preferred dapper suits since he was 10. Those might contribute to it.

I keep trying to get through Science of Sleep, but it is impossible.

The dolphin episode was amazing.

Clowny clown clown.

I call my buttcrack my wasteline, too.

I've never noticed someone with the Innsmouth look before.

Does he also play the accordion?

I saw him when he was with the Comedians of Comedy college tours, and I laughed despite myself so hard. His je ne sais quoi is delightful and titillating and a little unnerving.