
Baby Memento! Do people still do those kids versions of popular movies? Did they ever do that for non-public domain things? Probably not. BUT IF THEY DID… Memento would be ripe for this. So would The Fugitive. I think I've been infected with Internet.

Okay. The phrasing makes it sound like they chose separately, but that makes sense.

There's a big (HUGE) RC Cola/Moon Pie Festival in Bell Buckle, Tennessee. How on Earth were those two randomly chosen?

Dude I Like Fine? That's accurate.

Yeah, a well-regarded anthropologist wrote a book about it. 4 years ago, but it still seemed dated by a couple years (during which he was finishing up research & writing).

The umbrella is there to shield the ceiling from his greasy hair.

What a talented chin..

@ before name

Did anyone else break into spontaneous applause?

or stranded on a desert island and forced to learn archery to combat nature and crime

It's gotta exist for some reason. I can't imagine that CW gets many absentee watchers from people leaving the TV on.

It looks like they're going for a younger show. But yeahhhh he was, although anything vaguely Justice Leaguey is all right by me.

It was smothered at birth by THE CAPE.

That's exactly what McGovern said in the Random Roles she just did a few weeks ago… so probably. But that doesn't clear up anything about the circumstances surrounding their bonding. My guess is that O'Brien was probably her first lady's maid ever, and being from America, Cora didn't have a great understanding of

Wasn't that a wig? It looked weirdly stiff for hair.

I pooped my pants.

Nope. I didn't think that was ever really his thing, though. He's a likable guy who's pretty facile with language. Otherwise, he's a standard liberal still pushing against his hometown, and he looks like a giant cuddly baby.

The weird thing is that this reads really well in Russell Brand's voice.

He said in another interview that his main beef was with Gale, not Zemeckis, and that working with him on Beowulf was fine.

Revisiting this makes me wish that the Great Undiscovered Project also had a visual component.