
Molesley has been sporting some oddly sinister faces lately. Kept expecting him to apologetically rape something. Maybe it's just weaselly coward-face?

Jeremy Piiiiiiiiiiiiiven! (Jeremy, Jeremy)

It is the band's name.

So Wil Traval… that's a name.

Tom Swift nodded becomingly.

It is a black-and-white picture of an attractive naked lady with a right arm that probably ends a few inches below the shoulder. Zero gagging hazard.

or child malnutrition

Yeah Dan, breath the universe one nostril at a time. You are we and we are he and he all love your show.

See: Sheamus

Agreed, although I loved how weird it was. Genre switches throughout.

Two days, two articles mentioning a female Jon Hamm. Where will she pop up next?

I liked it back when you could say you liked things the old way and not be considered a douche. I guess hipster and douche are not synonymous but they sure try to be.

If you're going to be a pedant, at least make sure you're right. Also, she responded to the last one, and there were later posts about it on the Larry the Cable Guy Thinks the A.V. Club Is Mean (and Hilarious, and Sad) follow-up Newswire.

There is not a force-field protecting them, just the reverse thrusters of shame.

What's her favorite computer program?

She always reads comments! And will always, until the number of people wanting to dialogue with/do her no longer outweighs the number who are irritated.

I doubt any self-respecting geeky lady would have been all that impressed by that, because who really gives a shit? (and also, who can't?), but the same forces that made you a fucking dork work on those inverted-penis types, too.

I immediately knew that that was from Bring It On Again, and I'm feeling real smug about that.

Is that why redheads are going extinct? Religious genocide? I thought it was all eugenics.

This interview is much funnier if you imagine it read in a gruff lone wanderer's voice. Go ahead, Sheeran, squeal like a pig.