
I think the reviewers have said before that it's not an absolute scale. Each show is judged separately, so a B- episode of Parks and Rec might be an B+/A- episode of The Office.

The highest-profile sax solo I have heard was in one of the post-"Born This Way" Gaga singles. Not the hair one, but maybe "Edge of Glory". They were trying for a Springsteen sound, so maybe there's just a resurgence of Boss fever. (Was this ever a thing? I doubt it.)

Viral Video Film School, infoMania, Rotten Tomatoes, Target: Women, That's So Gay, and even White Hot Top 5 were all good/useful. I noticed when those all stopped, but I didn't know the network had been entirely restructured. This grinning spectre of Olbermania is very sad.

Is it the "drops in fall" part? I don't understand comma-hate.

yes, another single

for good reason (it is good)

Yeah, and they were selling everything. I got some new music for 6-8$ each, which is pretty great. Also an industrial-sized reverse-osmosis filtration system.

The one last week (or maybe the week before) was the molested kid-turned-butler. That's pretty fresh and new, right? The butler does it, but leaves tell-tale starch residue on the murder weapon?

Happy Endings wasn't cancelled, and it's not terrible, just mostly mediocre.

I forgot that Robot Wars were on this channel. That's the only reason I watched. Why did they stop? It doesn't seem like an expensive show to air.

I don't really like his humor, and he makes me uneasy, but since I started listening to the Mentalpod (mostly just his girlfriend's episode), it's been easier to separate him from his media appearances. He's probably less jittery offscreen/mic, and he doesn't seem like a bad guy. Just a little strident when it comes

"Get in that ass, Larry" is the best possible reply to this.

And just because a bunch of people say "Good job, man! Some really funny stuff in there!" doesn't mean they're big fans— they just don't want to be impolite. Pretty much this, except it's what people, including you, do all the time, even if some of the ass-ripping is confined to your head: "I just remember from doing

What was she in that you liked? Buffy for a kind of shitty season, some shitty made-for-TV Bring It On sequel, Dr. Horrible, two episodes of Dollhouse? She was fine in Dr. Horrible and Dollhouse, and she's good in her own series. I don't know that Eureka really has many fans, but I've only seen commercials for her

Her legs are pretty normal-looking in those pictures, neither oddly long nor muscled. That yellow outfit also doesn't really fit her look, especially that hat. She's still a very pretty lady, though.

He is a wolf-man.

I like both, but I think it works better with the pipes and twangy guitar. Also the drums make me feel like I'm not alone in the world..

I am pretty sure he talked about his partner during his first or second appearance, when he was painting that Hawaiian farm-restaurant idyll.

And first appearance of
That awesome song they play when looking for things! I think it only shows up twice.

this is one of my favorite movies, though. like a more serious buckaroo banzai. i can't think of a way this turns out well.