dirty epic

Please show me said advertising and I'll get back to you.


I kept thinking to myself
Why is Harry Dresden running around shooting people?!

This was seriously my favourite show after Terriers and Rubicon and…

Dick Flops!

Fuck it, I'm still calling her pimento. She's the girl they stuffed inside of Olive.

Yeah, isn't it ridiculous how we expect people who write for a living to know how to spell things?

He was cleaning the plate off dumbass.


It killed some time while I finished doing some drafting at least.

- Dollhouse
- Firefly
- Wonderfalls
- Brimstone
- Undeclared
- Sliders first season was completely fucked, including airing the resolution to a major cliffhanger weeks before the preceeding episode.
- Fringe had that single season one ep stuck in season two resulting in the miraculous resurrection of Charlie. Thank god

The word "fuck" is bandied about somewhat regularly. You reluctantly aid and abet in some grave robbery. There's plenty of shooting people, but it's nearly all bad dudes - shooting random strangers has consequences, which is more than most games. Actually, in general good morals are rewarded and doing bad shit gets

Wait, you get sound too?!

counting is hard
What is it with Fox and their inability to air episodes in order?

that was actually a cool episode.

I liked the first two seasons enough to buy the DVDs but things started declining quickly in season 3. the Gormogon stuff was insanely bad, it's gotten better since but it still varies wildly from ep to ep (last week's was awful, with blatant product placement thrown in as a bonus).

Agreed. Rush not immediately pointing fingers figures precisely into how his character has acted in the past. He has leverage over Young now, and both know it. That's what's important to him. If he were to out him, Young would lose control over the ship, someone else would step in, and Rush would then have to


This game is reviewer poison and player gold. I'm having a blast.