dirty epic

since when does leonard have a british apartment?

try: "He's ten times the man you are and you're like forty guys."

the American Indian Movement would probably support it.

I also worked in a Canadian call-centre for an American cell phone company, and I also got called on it regularly.

"Also, is there a different term to use there than "original imprint?" It seems like there should be."

I think when you have an ensemble cast getting paid a fortune and a half each whether they are in an episode or not and the network's on your back daily about budget cutbacks it's tough to sell them on leisurely arcs filmed off set and filled with guest actors.

I was about to kill my parents, but then my parents died.

"What was weird was that the second pod he looks in houses Echo. And in that other episode I thought that Echo. Sierra, Victor, and that one random doll where in the same pod room. Do they switch up rooms? It seems weirdly convenient that November and Echo are roomies just for this episode"

so skip it?

Liz: "Alright, alright. What's the hump-day schedule look like?"
Cult Leader: "Oh, it's not Wednesday, Liz. It's Thursday."
Dizzy Chick: "I read somewhere it's Tuesday."
All: "Ooohhh."

random prediction
Cuddy gets cut down by a nasty unpronounceable something-or-other. House, batshit insane at this point, does everything he can to save her but fails. Much drama, etc, as he comes to terms with his feelings for her. She kicks off, only to rise again moments later, her body now inhabited by an

Wait, Snapes dead?

House looked surprised because the condom full of heroin in his lower intestinal tract just broke.

is bukkake considered vegetarian?

that is possibly the gayest thing i've heard today.

"I'm shocked that no one sees Topher as Andrew from Buffy."

i'm wondering what's going to happen when Paul plays back his answering machine messages…

"b) I think the asian girl who's always getting topher's food is the obvious choice for the 'inside man' because she's probably the only one who can manipulate the imprint besides topher, and that whole "who says its a man?" line from the remote-wipe episode. Though we were led to believe at the time it was alpha."