dirty epic

The internet was built on the tears of the nerdly.

According to this, the answer is "A Suffusion of Yellow".

I don't know where this "small" comes from.  I read an interview that said it costs 3M per episode, which is bigger than most.

Torchwood was never cancelled.

I heard he likes you.

It was "turn the other cheek while doing a shitkicking roundhouse in the face" but was shortened down after someone realized the roundhouse hadn't been invented yet.

Maybe he can use the dusk jacket.

TERRIER— ah fuck, nevermind.

I watched The Wire and Two and a Half Men.  Hell, I've watched and enjoyed NCIS and Downton Abbey on the same night, so this might be tougher than you think.

Can we help?

I voted for Dan.

It's all about the candidate with the wooliest tuque.

Yes. I mean no.

I didn't know Anna Gun read AVClub.

Yeah I don't agree that Gary needs to control anything. He's just immature and used to people treating him specially and getting his way. He says he doesn't like taking care of himself. I don't think it's because he enjoys people doing his bidding, he's just lazy.

More of the gerbil! Less of whatever this is!

I bet google knows.

Which psychic guessing are you talking about? The PIN that Neal read in the reflection of the ATM or the webcam password that Sara read in the reflection of the guitar?

"This short scene gives inside into how much the Mechs are running things:"

You know, those guys. With the thing.