
@avclub-5e6219043a1dec12314873ce90a3d85d:disqus That oil tanker and all those buildings were empty. We clearly saw people being evacuated into shelters. In interviews, del Toro has said that was a conscious decision.

Just after yours.

The artform of the AVClub gimmick account has reached its apotheosis.

You said everything I wanted to say, except perhaps:

And they did it with flair.

"Grossly overrated The Descendants"? Fuck you, A.A. Dowd.

Riiight, it was JEJ's AWACS plane that rams Air Force One! For some reason I was remembering Powers Boothe and Rebecca DeMornay's B-52 that did the ramming.

I find it adorably precious that the president whom American pop culture considers the most evil, is a guy whose worst crime was spying on the opposition.

Photo Hunt is a coin-operated touchscreen videogame version of "spot the difference". Which, it turns out, is quite fun to play in bars.

I personally think it's one of the sexiest movies ever made.

The trailer for this movie confuses me. Where are the rabbits?

Aw. I wanted to hear about Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.

Slylandro probes, y'all.

Of which he is probably both president and sole member.

Just you and that cold black rock you call your heart.

Ugh. There's a lot of whining amongst nerds that Woodley isn't hot enough to play the Mary Jane of their dreams. It is shallow. Don't be shallow.

It's called "Sexy Losers".

She wasn't lesbian enough.

I watched bits of it at a party whilst imbibing large amounts of alcohol. All I remember is that Suvari, Ving Rhames and Nick Cannon were in it, Cannon played the part of the zombie who retains a bit of his humanity (enough to not eat Suvari and help her escape), and that the movie as a whole was nowhere near as good

Not so much generous, but trying to be cognizant of the complexities involved in big-budget Hollywood filmmaking.