
See, here's the thing.

I thought Mena Suvari was pretty good in it.

Because movies are collaborative medium, and this movie appears to have involved at least 3 people:

The Olga Kurylenko character's single defining detail is that she wants revenge on the man who murdered her family.

Cars 2 appreciation thread, go!

Being drunk does not excuse infidelity, nor does being not-married. What might excuse infidelity, in AMIT's case, is sheer crushing loneliness i.e. she only cheated when her fiancee was away. If, after getting married, they'll never be apart again and therefore she's not likely to cheat again, then I agree with Dan

When I read these books, every time I came to a decision point, I'd mark the page with a finger in case I wanted to go back and pick another choice.

It's overplayed now, but I still like "I Just Had Sex." That chorus is joyous as hell.

I'm not sure how you feel about the fact that your boy got sucked.

Could you be more pathetic?

Wait - this is the first I've heard of BioShock Syndrome. How exactly are its gameplay mechanics and its story theme incompatible? I wanna read more about this. 

It was a good 10 years ago now, but I once watched a Chinese TV adaptation of The Water Margin that was really good.

Hot Asian bad guy was the one who got taken out by the jet engine's backwash.

It's an adaptation of Star Control 2. For this reason alone, it is, if not quite awesome, at least noteworthy.


Hey, I remember By Dawn's Early Light. Powers Boothe and Rebecca DeMornay. Awesome movie.

I don't know if MRAs are unwelcome here, but I flagged this anyway.

Always thought that was a weird word. Where does the accent go?

"Christoph Waltz plays the villain" is becoming a pretty good indicator of unimaginative, bandwagon-riding Hollywood product post-Inglourious Basterds. Quentin Tarantino himself knew better than to recycle Waltz like that.

Spirited Away bar none. The scene where Chihiro tells Haku his real name may be the most transcendent thing ever put to film.