
Yeah? Then where did the DB5 in Skyfall come from?

Not really, no.

Body-shaming: not cool.

The only thing that can assemble the Avengers on a moment's notice is SHIELD. And they can't know everything.


Looks like this is one of those times where my opinion goes completely against the internet's.

I miss DS9 on TV Club :(

I liked it too! …emphasis on the past tense. I have no desire to rewatch it anytime soon.

It's stuff like this that make me aware of how, despite my love of AVClub, I have little in common with the commenterati. Fuck all y'all hipsters and your cynicism of the mainstream. This song rocks, as does the rest of the trilogy.

If you ever wonder why guys like him still get work, read up on the World War Z debacle.

It is in the house tonight.

But it also includes the white people currently living, working or holidaying in China, which might be undesirable to some.

The point where The Wolverine lost it for me - when a defenceless young woman, who has just survived a deadly assassination attempt, insists on being left alone by someone who is very clearly trying to save her from being assassinated.

My biggest problem with XMFC is that everything that the movie was leading up to is stuff we already know is going to happen. Check out Professor X's and Magneto's uneasy friendship! Boy, that Mystique chick really has some internal conflicts going on, huh? And omigod, that climax in which the entire world could

I do actually sometimes sigh and then say "sigh".

Yeah, Mike Vago's comment there is inexplicable, but then again Lee's prowess does tend to be over-exaggerated. I read somewhere that Muhammad Ali's fight promoters were trying to set up a fight between Ali and Lee, which Lee kept turning down; Ali in his prime was a masterful fighter, and Lee honestly wasn't sure he

I wouldn't call him a terrible actor; he had a tremendous amount of screen presence that he didn't have time to refine into genuine acting before he died. Jet Li's career started out in the same place, until he discovered greater satisfaction in playing an actual character instead of just reciting lines and kicking

It is, truly. Although its even-handed take on Sino-Japanese relations will never be as iconic to Chinese audiences as Bruce Lee smashing the fuck out of that "Sick Man of Asia" sign with one kick.

I'm wearing black right now, and I'm fucking saintly lemme tellya.

Yes please.