
This. She was practically the 2nd protagonist in the first movie. Part of (many reasons) why the sequel sucked is that they stuck her in a plane with nothing to do.

@avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus @LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus I studied a J.B. Priestley play called An Inspector Calls in high school that might qualify.

@avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus @LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus I studied a J.B. Priestley play called An Inspector Calls in high school that might qualify.

They turn their noses up at their own food, preferring alien cuisine that is apparently only available at the Cardassian Science Institute?

They turn their noses up at their own food, preferring alien cuisine that is apparently only available at the Cardassian Science Institute?



O'Brien is SO badass. Cardassian chick is saying goodbye, offering one last sincere compliment. Does he gaze after her wistfully, perhaps a little regretfully, contemplating what might have been? No. He just turns and walks away so fast, the camera didn't even catch his "thank fuck that's over" expression. O'Brien. Da

O'Brien is SO badass. Cardassian chick is saying goodbye, offering one last sincere compliment. Does he gaze after her wistfully, perhaps a little regretfully, contemplating what might have been? No. He just turns and walks away so fast, the camera didn't even catch his "thank fuck that's over" expression. O'Brien. Da

So which came first, Family Matters or Reginald VelJohnson's cop character in Die Hard?

So which came first, Family Matters or Reginald VelJohnson's cop character in Die Hard?

If this is the one where (SPOILERS) um, someone got ground to death between two gears, then yeah, I saw this as a kid too.

If this is the one where (SPOILERS) um, someone got ground to death between two gears, then yeah, I saw this as a kid too.

There's this scene in an episode of Friends that I can't even remember. (This was back when Ross and Rachel were together.) Rachel is upset about something or other, confides in Chandler, bursts into tears and falls into his arms.

There's this scene in an episode of Friends that I can't even remember. (This was back when Ross and Rachel were together.) Rachel is upset about something or other, confides in Chandler, bursts into tears and falls into his arms.

The A-Team did one! Face got shot in the stomach and it was incredibly tense and everything!

The A-Team did one! Face got shot in the stomach and it was incredibly tense and everything!

*reloads a new clip into M-16 in a fucking awesome badass manner*

*reloads a new clip into M-16 in a fucking awesome badass manner*

I think some day, you'll find a way to make your natural tendencies pay.